NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Candy and soft drinks could soon be prohibited for low-income families paying with SNAP benefits in Tennessee.
The “Tennessee Health SNAP Act” would require the Department of Human Resources to submit a request for a waiver from the United States Department of Agriculture’s food and nutrition service to seek authorization to prohibit the use of SNAP benefits for the purchase of candy and soft drinks. The bill passed in the Tennessee House on Monday.
“This is spring break for Metro [Nashville] Schools, can you imagine a family that is dealing with 6, 5, 4 kids and they can’t get any junk food,” Wakius Hereford, a shopper in Germantown told News 2.
It was the sentiment for several shoppers News 2 spoke with on Tuesday.
However, those for the bill said the goal is to provide healthier options for families that rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
“Kids on SNAP consume 43% more sugary drinks than those not on SNAP, according to the latest reports we have,” said the bill’s sponsor, Jason Zachary (R-Knoxville), during a February committee meeting.
Zachary said similar bills are being supported nationwide by the Trump administration.
“If all we have are SNAP benefits because we are all struggling and because of inflation, you can not tell me what I can and can’t eat,” said Theresa Riddle, who uses SNAP benefits.
Riddle said she’s been using SNAP benefits for the last six months. “Sometimes it’s still not enough, it’s still not enough.”
Shoppers on Tuesday said lawmakers shouldn’t dictate how families choose to shop.
“Health choices are an individual choice and who are they to legislate morality?” one shopper told News 2.
“If someone wants to spend their own money on cokes and candies, they can knock themselves out but anytime when somebody participates in a government program, we have a say on what that money is spent on,” Zachary said.
The bill passed on the House floor Monday but remains in a Senate committee.