HOHENWALD, Tenn. (WKRN) — The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee is mourning the sudden death of one of their African elephants.
Donna, an African elephant, came to the sanctuary from the Oakland Zoo, though she was born in the wilds of Zimbabwe in 1980. A Facebook post from the sanctuary announcing Donna’s sudden death Friday said Donna loved her herd mates and had a preference for rolling in the mud. Often, Donna was covered in it and she loved digging wallows.
“Donna was a cherished member of the Oakland Zoo family for 34 years before moving to Tennessee,” Oakland Zoo CEO Nik Dehejia said. “I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to her Oakland animal care team and volunteers for their dedication to her throughout her life in Oakland and to The Sanctuary’s team for their support over the past 15 months, particularly during these challenging days.”
The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee said Donna had been in good health, other than arthritis related to age, which had been well-managed. Donna had developed a subtle edema two weeks ago and staff performed full bloodwork, which only revealed a higher white blood cell count. Donna started on a course of antibiotics, which she tolerated well. The edema was resolving, she was eating and behaving normally; bloodwork had been scheduled for next week.
On Tuesday morning, staff said Donna entered her barn and started to eat as usual. However, a short while later, staff noticed a change in her demeanor. Veterinary and care managers were called immediately, but Donna ultimately died around 9:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve.

“Donna was deeply loved by her Care Staff and by everyone who had the privilege of knowing her,” The Sanctuary’s CEO, Janice Zeitlin, said. “Her sudden passing has left us heartbroken. We remain committed to understanding the cause of her passing and to honoring Donna’s memory. Thank you for your compassion and support during this difficult time.”
The Sanctuary said a necropsy was conducted on Donna Wednesday with help from the University of Georgia. Findings from the necropsy would be shared as soon as they become available.