NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — On April 26, 1978, the first Nashville Sounds pitch was thrown at Greer Stadium. A massive scoreboard in the shape of a guitar sat in left field, keeping count of each run.
“It was about 120 feet long, 80 feet to the top of it, gigantic scoreboard,” said Bobby Joslin of Joslin & Sons Signs, the original installers of the scoreboard. “At the time it was the largest sign structure east of the Mississippi!”
In 2014, the Sounds moved to their new stadium in Nashville’s Germantown neighborhood. Greer Stadium was vacant until 2018, when the land was returned to Fort Negley Park.

While the original stadium was demolished, the iconic scoreboard stuck around, moving to the other side of the railroad tracks on Chestnut Street.
It’s now a landmark for the Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood.
“It was such a showstopper back in the day,” said Joslin. “I think it’s great for people to drive by and look at that and know, at one point in time, that was the premiere scoreboard in the southeast.”
It sits in the middle of a triangle between the Live Nation headquarters, Memoir residential, and Dicey’s Pizza & Tavern. The green-space in front of the board hosts Wedgewood-Houston’s farmers’ market.
“That scoreboard, as big as it is, it’s a welcoming mat for Wedgewood-Houston,” said Joslin.
Over at First Horizon Park in Germantown, the Sounds upgraded to a new, fully LED scoreboard, with that same Music City guitar shape.